Rules and Regulations

Terms and conditions

When you sign up for the LAN@Ordbogen event you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Network Conditions

The following conditions are in place to maintain network performance for all attendees. By connecting to the LAN@Ordbogen network you agree to the following: The network will be monitored by the event team. The aim of the event is to provide multiplayer gaming to all attendees and the network has been designed with this in mind as well as the provision of basic internal and external communications with other participants. Any other use of the network may constitute a breach of these conditions specifically including, but not limited to: transfer of any material that you do not have copyright to, materials to which you do not have permission to distribute, illegal materials, or items that may cause damage to other users' software or hardware. If your PC is suspected to be infected by a virus or other malware at any point during the event it will be removed from the network until it is proven to be clean. You are provided with one network cable (In some cases, you may be allowed additional network cables if you contact the LAN crew). You are not permitted to bring any of your own networking devices such as switches, hubs, wireless access points etc. Please do not interfere with the LAN@Ordbogen network in any way, if you are experiencing difficulties with the network, contact the team who will then assist you. Connecting to the network via wifi, follows the same rules and regulations, as mentioned above. Attendees are allowed to connect multiple devices via wifi, if done respectfully. Excessive use of the bandwidth is not permitted.

Power Conditions

You are not permitted to plug anything into the event power systems other than your PC, console, related peripherals, monitor, mobile device chargers or similar. Non-PC related items (e.g. microwaves, kettles, desk fans etc.) are not permitted. Running several machines (PC’s and consoles) are allowed. But we kindly ask you to consider if this is necessary, and power down any unused machines. Attendees are not allowed to bring their own extension cords and/or powerstrips. If you need more power outlets than are provided at your seat, please contact the LAN crew.

Available facilities

Some facilities of the venue will be made available to the attendees of the event. These include, but are not limited to; microwaves, fridges, coffee machines, faucets with boiling water, toilets, bathrooms and sleeping quarters. Misuse of these facilities will not be tolerated.

Equipment Security

LAN@Ordbogen and the venue ownership are not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of property at any point during the event. Your equipment is your own responsibility. We advise that you take precautions such as not leaving small items of equipment around unsupervised, and you are advised to procure your own insurance arrangements for your property while at the event. The venue will be locked at all times. The entrance will be monitored by the LAN crew, who will make sure that the attendees are able to enter or leave the venue when needed. The only exception to this, is at the time of check-in. In this time period, the door will be manned by one or more members of the LAN crew. Only employees at Ordbogen A/S have access to lock and unlock the doors to the venue.

Alcohol & Illegal Substances

Responsible consumption of alcohol, in small quantities, is allowed. If the LAN crew believes that an attendee has consumed more alcohol than is reasonable, the attendee will be asked to stop and/or leave the event, until they have become sober. Any breach of the event's code of conduct, as a result of alcohol consumption, will lead to the participant being immediately and permanently expelled from the event. Attendees suspected to be under the influence of any illegal substances will be immediately and permanently expelled from the event. Smoking is not permitted inside the venue at any time. Anyone who wishes to smoke, may do so outside.


All attendees are expected to behave in accordance with our code of conduct. Failing to do so may result in the attendee being asked to leave the event, or be expelled from the current and future events.

Under 16s

Participants under the age of 16 are permitted to attend the event, if they are accompanied by an adult above the age of 18.

Resulting Actions

Failure to adhere to the terms & conditions will result in either: A verbal warning. The participant being asked to leave the event, without a refund. The participant being permanently expelled from current and future events, without a refund. The resulting action will be determined depending on the severity of the breach, as determined by the LAN crew.


To attend the event, all attendees must pay the entrance fee, which will be charged upon check-in. LAN@Ordbogen accepts payment through Mobilepay or in cash. All prices are in DKK and includes VAT.


If you wish to cancel your booking for the event, before having paid the entrance fee, you may do so via, free of charge. For attendees who have already paid the entrance fee, LAN@Ordbogen will not offer refunds of any kind.

Code of Conduct

We are committed to making LAN@Ordbogen an inclusive and welcoming event for everyone. The most important rule is: Be excellent to each other. Everyone who attends LAN@Ordbogen is required to abide by this code of conduct, both at the event and on any online channels. We will not tolerate harassment of attendees or discriminatory behaviour of any form. Specifically: Do not engage in homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, sexist, or otherwise prejudiced behaviour. Do not harass people. Stalking, unconsented physical contact, or unwanted sexual attention is harassment. Dressing or acting in a certain way is not consent. LAN@Ordbogen is a shared space, but every participant's personal space is their own. If you are asked to leave someone alone, or to leave a table, you must respect this. Some attendees may not want to be filmed or photographed. Respect their wishes. Aggression and elitism are not welcome — nobody should be afraid to ask questions. The event takes place at a borrowed workplace. Respect your surroundings. No vandalism. Remember to clean up after yourself. If you break these rules, we may expel you from the event without a refund, and we may ban you from future LAN@Ordbogen events. If you are being harassed or witness a breach of this code of conduct, you can get in touch with us in the following ways: Find a member of the LAN crew and let them know. All our volunteer LAN crew members will be briefed on how to handle a harassment situation. Contact us through our discord server. If you prefer to speak to a female you can send a message to Ceciltheunicorn (Cecilie). If you prefer to speak to a male you can send a message to Poisend_Potato (Christian). If you have any comments or queries, regarding this Code of Conduct, you can get in touch with Poisend_Potato (Christian) or Gyde (Martin) IRL or through Discord DMs. This Code of Conduct is heavily based on EMFs and BornHacks Code of Conduct.

Who can attend?

All current and former employees of Ordbogen A/S, members of the Ordbogen@LAN facebook-group and all employees located in the Tech Town Odense area are invited to attend the event. All attendees are allowed to invite their family or friends. You are responsible for the guests you invite. LAN@Ordbogen hosts several events each year. Some events are open to the Tech Town Odense area, and some are private invite only. This will be clearly stated in the invite to each event. Contact Information If you wish to contact the LAN crew, for any reason, you may do so via the following e-mail:

Who are we?

LAN@Ordbogen is a non-profit organization driven by volunteers. All members of the LAN crew are either currently or formerly employed at Ordbogen A/S, who is the main sponsor of the event. The members of the LAN crew are not paid nor compensated for the time and effort they put into planning the event. They do so, because they wish to create an awesome and welcoming community for nerds, programmers, creative souls and GAMERS!